TSA NFT Information Dashboard
How to Add Binance Smart Chain and BEP-20 / ERC-20 Token?
Please follow instruction: https://www.teaswap.live/how-to
TSA Contract Address:
Our BEP-20 contract address is 0x5f99acf13caff815dd9cb4a415c0fb34e9f4545b
​Our ERC-20 contract address is 0x703d8574e19428d662a73c301d106dc236aa9bfc
​Our Polygon contract address is ​0x5f99acf13caff815dd9cb4a415c0fb34e9f4545b
Where can you buy, sell and use TSA ?
Buy /Sell TSA: https://www.teaswap.live/post/where-to-buy-sell-tsa
TSA is available to trade on several mid-tier exchanges including popular decentralized exchanges including TeaSwap, PancakeSwap, BakerySwap, LATOKEN, and Hotbit.
TeaSwap: http://ow.ly/zA7X50FVehM
(Swap Shih, Bake, Cake, Doge, BUSD, USDT, ETH, BNB to get TSA)
LATOKEN: https://latoken.com/exchange/TSA_USDT
BakerySwap: https://www.bakeryswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x5f99acf13caff815dd9cb4a415c0fb34e9f4545b
PancakeSwap: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap#/swap?outputCurrency=0x5f99acf13caff815dd9cb4a415c0fb34e9f4545b
UniSwap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/add/ETH/0x703d8574e19428d662a73c301d106dc236aa9bfc/100
QuickSwap: https://quickswap.exchange/#/add/ETH/0x5f99acf13caff815dd9cb4a415c0fb34e9f4545b
Where to sell TSANFT?
As an example, an asset that you buy from TSA Marketplace can later be sold on other marketplaces like Treasureland, without our approval, and with the same wallet.
The most popular trading pairs for TSA include TSA/BNB, TSA/BUSD, TSA/USDT, TSA/BTC and TSA/ETH.
Where can you find the referral link on TSA NFT?
You can get your referral link from TSA Profile here: https://www.teaswap.art/nft/users/referral
(Referral Link Example: https://www.teaswap.art/invited/0xAEEb1a4FfAA2c41170C4f824C5604F860FbCCF95)
When AirDrop?
All airdrops will be announced via social , community partner and discord beforehand so keep an eye out . Learn here!
What is the distribution model for $TSA?
TSA was minted on Binance Smart Chain , Polygon, and Ethereum network. $TSA will be distributed through NFT holders rewards, various airdrops, contests and staking inside and outside the TEAsWAP community. Additional distribution will be added through our NFT marketplace and NFT Incubator program. TSA will also reward users for innovators who are minting artwork and collectors. Learn here.
What is the TSA Ecosystem?
$TSA is a utility token that you can use for mint, trade, stake, transfer and play in the TSA Metaverse Park and NFT
marketplace. TSA is the native governance token of the TEAsWAP and TSANFT Incubator, designed to reward active platform users with a voice on the platform's future including NFT Marketplace , NFT Incubator, NFT Finance, TSA yield farming dapp, TSA Metaverse Series , CJAI limited edition NFT Collectibles series...
How can I add my token to the default list of TEAsWAP?
You need to launch a TSA Pool or IRO in order to be added to the list. Click Business Partners.
How long does it take to mint NFT on TSA Platform?
Once you have all the items below, TSA platform allows you to mint your first NFT in 1 minute!
Your song, artwork or collectible
Prepare crypto BNB, Matic, or Eth to pay the minting fee
A cryptocurrency wallet to store your crypto such as Metamask, Binance, Coinbase...
As a user, you spent 0.01 BNB to mint NFT on the TSA platform, would it also be posted on TSA NFT Marketplace?
You can spend 0.01 BNB to mint but your NFT will be under PENDING until further approval. We cannot guarantee that you will get approval to post. Only those who meet the conditions can trade on the TSA platform.
If I cannot get approval to sell my NFT on TSA NFT Marketplace, what should I do with my NFT?
NFT tokens are already in your wallet and can be freely transferred to other NFT trading platforms for trading as long as they accept BEP-721 Token.
How to bid NFT?​
1. First on our homepage, you can scroll down to check out NFTs or go directly to the NFT page by clicking “NFT”
2. Click on an NFT you are interested in. As an NFT Collector, you can now see the latest Bid amount when you click Bid without having to scroll down to the history.
3. Click on “Bid” and you’ll need to click 'Approve'. You’ll need to confirm this on your digital wallet. Once it’s completed, you can click on “Bid”, and approve this transaction on your digital wallet again.
4. DONE! You can now click on your transaction link to view this transaction the BSCscan.
If you need further assistance on bidding process, kindly check this video for more information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADNYL_Wdn2Q&t=137s
How to Cancel your Bid:
1. Connect your wallet to #TSANFT
2. Go to “My Profile”
3. Click “History” and “Bidding Orders”
4: Click “ Cancel”
5: Done ! check your wallet for balance.
6: You can also lick top right “ Stake” to check staking pools to earn “TSA”
How do I trade TSA NFT on Treasureland?
You can go to Treasureland and search for the TSA NFT you want to purchase
or use this link to buy on Treasureland:
How to stake my NFT which is bought from Treasureland?
1. You will need to join TSA community:
Telegram: https://t.me/icashrewards123
Discord: https://discord.gg/49xUD5NCGD
2. Send your wallet address, Vendor ID and Product ID into 'treasureland-nft-trade-stake' channel at Discord: https://discord.gg/DPRnecsyX7
(If you need help find your Vendor ID or Product ID, you can see relevant Q&A on this page too)
3. Once our team confirms the above information, you will be able to stake your NFT on TSA website: https://teaswap.art/staking
How do I transfer my NFT?
You can your NFT transfer to any NFT Marketplace on the Binance Smart Chain as long as they accept BEP-721 Token. You can also transfer any NFT to another wallet on the Binance Smart Chain.
Transfer can be done as long as your status is " Pending" excluding staked items.
When will the "Pending" status of a NFT in my wallet will be changed?
For collectors, the status of pending will be changed after you approve to resell your NFT in you wallet.
For creators, after minting your NFT, once TSA NFT admin team approves your artwork on our NFT marketplace, pending status will be changed.
When you stake an NFT, the status of your NFT will be changed to 'staked' . You can no longer set a price or transfer your NFT.
Where can I find my NFT's product ID and profile vendor ID ?
Product ID: for example : https://www.teaswap.art/nft/products/267, 267 is the product ID.
Profile ID: for example, click your profile name or wallet address to get a link https://www.teaswap.art/nft/products/vendor/264202, 264202 is the profile vendor ID.
If you still need help to find your profile vendor ID, please see this YouTube video for more information: https://youtu.be/05aWEFUT0ao; https://youtu.be/YWMIardT-Lo
Q :Which cryptocurrencies can I use to buy or trade NFTs on the TSA NFT Marketplace?
A: The TSA NFT Marketplace supports BNB, BUSD, TSA, CJAI, iCash, Shih . LOT and ETH.
Q: I could not find TSANFT in my wallet ?
A: If you want to see TSANFT in your wallet, you need to add TSA as a custom token in your digital wallet using the following contract address : 0x5f99acf13caff815dd9cb4a415c0fb34e9f4545b
Read article how to add NFT:
https://www.teaswap.live/post/tsanftdrop (https://www.teaswap.live/post/tsanftdrop)
How do creator earnings work on TSANFT Marketplace?
Royalties from NFTs give the original owner or creator a percentage of the sale price each time the NFT creation is sold on TSA marketplace. The average NFT royalty ranges from 1-30%. In TSA NFT marketpalce the creator can choose their royalty percentage and the payments are automatic upon each subsequent sale in the secondary market. learn: https://www.teaswap.art/mint
NFT tutorial videos: https://www.teaswap.live/post/tsametaclass
We have several tutorial videos on our YouTube Channel including:
- How to Bid on an NFT on TSANFT
- How to Buy an NFT on TSANFT
- How to Resell an NFT on TSANFT
- How to Accept a Bid for Your NFT on TSANFT
- How to Create Your TSA Profile
- How to Stake on TSANFT
- How to Swap on TSANFT
- How to Mint on TSANFT
- TSA Incubator Initial Art Offering ("IRO") Program
NOTE: * TSA will charge 5% transaction fee of NFT trade and 0.01 BNB minting fee. Those who do not trade through the TSA platform will still enjoy weekly rewards as being TSA NFT Holder from TSA NFT Incubator.
The TSA platform reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time.
I forgot to retrieve my Harvest, what should I do?
You need to provide the last transaction information to support@teaswap.art for further investigation. Please also link to your wallet and provide a screenshot of your account.
If I forgot to retrieve my Harvest, would the balance of the Harvest will still be in my account?
For the expired pool, if you forget to take away the "received" part, your harvested balance should still be in your account.
When the Pool ends, would I still be able to click "Select" and " Manage"?
For the expired Pool, if you have already withdrawn the Deposit and Harvest, the "Select" button will not work. You only can click " Manage" if you have Deposit or Harvest in the Pool. The status of your account should be: "Your liquidity deposit 0", your unclaimed TSA balance is still in your account.
If I create a liquidity pool, what is the advantage ?
When you provide liquidity, that liquidity is used for AMM to people can swap those tokens in DEX. When that pair is swapped an LP fee + txn fee is paid. Txn fee goes to blockchain validators.
Liquidity providers earn a 0.3% fee on all trades proportional to their share of the pool. And LP fee shares are added automatically to the LP bags of LP providers. Also if you stake your LP tokens to related farm, you will earn TSA rewards. The same applies to NFT Staking LP pool later .
When does TSA Staking / Swap beta testing end?
TSA Staking / Swap will end beta testing on June 28.
Do you have regular/ongoing training program?
Yes, if you have any questions, please participate in the online training session at 3:30PM every Friday. Join TSANFT Training Channel: https://discord.gg/49xUD5NCGD
Do you provide all-in-one solution for NFT new drop project?
Yes. , Ask us to generate your high-tech art set, smart contract, and minting page integrate with your Web2 including metamask integration with Wix Site
Check our fees: https://www.icashrewards.io/product-page/nft-incubator
Learn more : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeppcVXDFc8LLopv35ASBada1Y4yVZxNMlyjvAiv-3_sTh6NQ/viewform
Do you offer leasing service for Metaverse space?
Yes, we offer the following packages for leasing Metaverse space
Floor 1: Release Room - $1000 CAD
Floor 2: Exhibition ( showcasing wall panel ) - $800 CAD
Floor 2: Swimming Pool event - $1000 CAD
Floor 3 : Exhibition Open Area- $800 CAD
Floor 4 : Showcasing & Branding - $1000 CAD
Garden Ocean side - $1000 CAD
Fill this form if you are interested: https://forms.gle/Xj3hEWSBBj7QMFnQ6
Check Gas Fee?
Whether you’re a digital artist new to NFTs, a member of a team of artists or investors developing an NFT idea, a celebrity or A-lister agent, a corporate brand rep, or even a defi entrepreneur, we’re here to help you.
Contact: Email support@teaswap.art
The One Hub DeFi for NFT Creators and Influencers
TSANFT is a Blockchain incubator platform powered by DiFi technologies and cryptocurrencies, is one hub for collectors and creators , one of the most powerful NFT investments and trading platforms on Binance Smart Chain , Polygon and Ethereum network, powered by the native governance token TSA and DeFi solutions. We allow collectors to maximize value of their NFT collections by combining NFTs and DeFi into one and allowing NFT collectors to yield farm and stake.
TSANFT currently has 4 spaces: NFT Marketplace , NFT Incubator , NFT Finance and TSA MetaPlay. TSA NFT Finance offers unique features by combining NFTs and DeFi into one and allowing NFT collectors to yield farm and stake.
TSA is the exclusive token to be used within iCashRewards eCommerce shopping rewards ecosystem and TSA Penguin Island MetaPlay ("TSA MetaPlay").
TSAMetaPlay, bridges the gap between investment opportunities in the #DeFi world and #Virtual world and brings people together to learn, meet, trade and earn NFTs in an immersive virtual world from anywhere. It will be launching on Blockchain and Metaverse including Sandbox , Virbela, TSA Metaverse Park and more.
TSA Collections brings together the world of arts and musician powered by blockchain technology into NFT digital space. Each collection, represented by an NFT, contains a unique art story. By collecting an NFT, users are able to redeem the completed NFT for physical artworks.
TSA Top NFT Collections are TSA Metaverse series, CaoJun CJAI limited editions of NFT Collectibles , and Peter Blake Limited editions. TSA collections showcases on TSA marketplace, OpenSea , Treasurland and Sandbox
TSA has been created to give TSA community the power to influence decisions and incentivize active participation, like RARI and provide creators and collectors with the opportunity to propose on platform upgrades and community development.
TSA provides yield farming opportunities for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and both cryptocurrencies within TSA community.
TSA is currently available to trade on LATOKEN.com, as well as popular decentralized exchanges like TeaSwap. BakerySwap, PancakeSwap, and the most popular trading pairs for TSA include TSA/USDT, TSA/BUSD, TSA/BNB ,TSA/BTC, TSA/ETH , TSA/Cake, TSA/ Bake, TSA/ Doge , TSA/Shih, and TSA/Matic.
TSA Contract address and Audit report :
Our BEP-20 / Polygon contract address is 0x5f99acf13caff815dd9cb4a415c0fb34e9f4545b
Our ERC-20 contract address is 0x703d8574e19428d662a73c301d106dc236aa9bfc

English: https://www.teaswap.live/post/tsa-staking-and-token-economy
Chinese: https://zh.teaswap.live/post/tsa-nft-cn
TSA Logo: https://bit.ly/3lcHgNw
Locked Tokens
Our private round investors and team members have voluntarily increased their lock-ups. Locked tokens include tokens that otherwise would have been released and entered the circulating supply.
Total number of tokens in investors and team
Wallet Address:
NFT holders rewards
Staking Pool
Total number of tokens burned to date
Hash link: https://www.bscscan.com/tx/0x84006bf4dc826cfbe5cbb53d2cd9b2d4a8d3b45a899b7551812d539754e6f323
Total number of staked /airdrop tokens
Team Rewards
Total number of tokens founders have sold
Last updated 5 minutes ago
NFT Token Introduction
$Shih NFT has a total supply of 6 billion coins, and 5 billion of which had been added in the TeaSwap Pool with 11 BNB on May 16, 2021 at 6:30 UTC. The LP token had been destroyed so nobody else has access to this 5 billion liquidity. Decentralized Meme Token. No founders, no team tokens. Everyone has to buy on the open market and implement a fair and complete distribution. Learn here.
Contract Address: 0x36ac9eaf028c175d62e086945862924e4ba7516f
CaoJun NFT’s collection features four Caojun Digital Collectibles. Each collectible features one of CaoJun's artwork with a size of 3.5inch X 2 inch.
By collecting CaoJunNFT, users are able to redeem the completed NFT for physical digital collectible. 1 CaoJunNFT can be converted into one exclusive CaoJun limited edition of digital collectible ("CaoJun NFT Collectible") ! CaoJun NFT can also be used to farm $CJAI or iCASH and can be traded on the TSA NFT Broadway. $CJAI & CaoJunNFT Staking: List CJAI Token on TeaSwap for trading and liquidity farming; Able to stake CJAI to earn TSA or iCash , Deposit CJAI- TSA BLP to earn TSA or Deposit CJAI to earn TSA. Learn here.
Contract Address: 0x26c1a317c4cdea9408bf9a82b4c7645bffdfea21
The iCashRewards Loyalty Program (“iCashToken”) has designed a superior token to be used within iCashRewards ecosystem that combines the utility token with the rewards of a loyalty point that rebates customers for continued use of our eCommerce shopping platform and services.. Learn here.
Contract Address: 0x3668a68140a103947c83ef43333fe4711d59ba9f
The TSA Metaverse Lot Offering is partnered with iCashRewards VR Center to develop a digital piece of TSA NFT real estate. Each lot or asset is a unique ( non-fungible ) token that functions as your entrance to access to TSA Metaverse Studio & Park ( Under Development) where where collectors can play, trade NFTs, and earn ETH and stake & harvest TSA.
Contract Address:0x1729552618376f8a179c0f61f9fe789c77b230fe
The above tokens are deigned as traditional loyalty points to be used within TSA NFT ecosystem that combines the utility token with the rewards of NFT. Tokens will be burned after purchase NFT, tokens will not distributed including NFT airdrop will be burned every quarter or right after event, making existing ones scarcer for investors!



