The Art of TEAsWAP, Aiming to be the Next Rarible on the Binance Smart Chain, is Launching a New Cross-Chain Fine Art

The Art of TEAsWAP (“TSA” or “ TEAsWAP”)is pleased to announce that it is planning to launch a new cross-chain NFT marketplace, which is a Fine Art NFT multichain platform for minting, buying and selling digital artwork.
TEAsWAP supports ETH and BSC chain and also will accept stablecoin SATO, ETH, BNB and for minting and buying/selling NFTs。The TEAsWAP platform offers one of a kind collaborations that allow collectors and fans alike to own a piece of history and connect with the world’s leading artists. Prints from artists like CaoJun, Peter Blake, Frederick Brown, Dan Baldwin, Bruce Mclean, Hector Saunier and Gus Bawab, to name a few.
The ultimate goal of TSA aims to become the next Rarible on the Binance Smart Chain. TSA learnt from Rarible which believes in the future of Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), where all governance and decision rights belong to the platform users. By providing creators and collectors with the opportunity to propose and vote on platform upgrades, They make sure that the platform becomes a public good, responsive directly to its community members. On TSA, we deliver the same.
TEAsWAP is conducting an airdop from March 31 to April 19, 2021. You can also buy TSA from BakerySwap, SwapAll and TeaSwap.Art from April 2, 2021. The most popular trading pairs for TSA include TSA/BNB, TSA/USDT and TSA/ETH.
About The Art of TeaSwap ("TSA")
TEAsWAP.Art ("TSA") is a new cross chain of Fine Art NFT Marketplace , bringing together creators, collectors, curators, influencers, brokers, wallets, auctioneers around the world to the NFT digital space.
TEAsWA.Art is a multi-functional decentralized application (dApp) created on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Ethereum network, powered by the native governance token TSA.
TSA is designed to reward active platform users with a voice on the platform's future. The ultimate goal of TSA aims to become the next Rarible on the Binance Smart Chain. TSA has been created to give TSA community the power to influence decisions and incentivize active participation.
TSA also features yield farming opportunities for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) marketplace, plus an NFT incubator, SWAP for both cryptocurrencies and NFTs.
Inspiring creativity. NFT For good !
Bloomberg 报道| TSA, 一个全新NFT艺术品铸造和拍卖交易平台即将上线。
曹俊NFT 限量版收藏系列 拍卖通道 即将开通:接受ETH, BNB , TSA铸造NFT通证和拍卖! 简易教程 中英文: 链接全球5大 NFT 拍卖平台 ,第一步下载 MetaMask 和学会添加BNB ETH TSA: English version : -中文版 如何下载 钱包和添加曹俊NFT 币 以太坊和币安链
为全球首个100位艺术家铸造NFT通证人工服务!艺术家和收藏家将获得 TSA积分币, 可用于铸造NFT通证和拍卖及兑现 ETH USDT BNB!
Airdrop: for mobile version only .
**Desktop version will be available on April 4.

购买TSA积分铸造NFT通证通道,目前开通 USDT/TSA, BNB/TSA
buy TSA with BNB link:
如何下载 钱包和添加 TSA 币 以太坊和币安链?
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