#Digital2020 #BoomIntoWeb3Social #NFTforFuture #NFTArt #CryptoArt #NFTCommunity #iCashRewards #TSANFT #BlockchainImpact #Metaverse
Visit Digital 20/20 Event Venue TSA NFT Giftshop and get your wearables to join fashion show every day, join Voxels: : https://www.cryptovoxels.com/parcels/7377
Event Opening & Web3 Podcast &Training , Join Voxels:: : https://www.cryptovoxels.com/play?coords=N@1215E,785N
Get Digital 20/20 Ticket POAP to receive DeFi community rewards, accept payment in ETH, MATIC and Credit Card! Learn More: https://www.teaswap.live/poapnft
Join Discord Meta Support: https://discord.gg/ApMxRpUMaW
"Digital 20/20: Boom Into Web3 Social" (3rd annual event since 2020) on June 3rd - July 3rd, 2022, co-hosted by TSA NFT Incubator and Metaverse Generation, sponsored by Connect.Club, Blockchain Impact Institute, Digital One Asset , iCashRewards and more (update list coming soon), and co-organized by the Pitch Club, the NFT Meet Up, the Metaverse Builder, the NFT Club, the Future MetaLeaders Club and more. Topics will include Web3 Podcast, New World of Work, NFT For Future, Metaverse Building, Crypto Art Fair, Social Commerce, layer 2 economy, Charitable Impact & Affiliate Marketing and The Birth of Web3 Social. Digital 20/20 is held at the TSA NFT DAO building in Voxels and Connect.Club.
The future of marketing is digital. In order to stay ahead of the curve, companies will need to invest in digital technologies and establish a strong presence in the metaverse. This can be achieved by combining traditional social commerce programs with marketing strategies designed for the Web 3 world.
Digital 20/20 is a month-long event designed to help companies understand all the intricacies of successfully leveraging the metaverse and collaborating in the digital world. There will be keynotes, case studies, strategy sessions, meta fashion show, Music festival, music magic box airdrops, NFT exhibition and networking opportunities.
Network, explore all the opportunities the metaverse has to offer, meet new friends and expand your contact list, and learn how to develop a strategy to make the rapidly evolving metaverse space an effective marketing tool for your business.
This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, month-long event is the definitive resource for understanding and going deeper on all things crypto and web3.
Interested in joining as Co-organizers, sponsors, and exhibitors, learn more here :
We are expecting 5,000+ users concurrently from anywhere in the world and you will have a chance to meet over 100+ exhibitors .
Additionally, the explosive popularity of NFTs showcases the unpredictable adoption curve of new technologies. "Digital 20/20 Boom Into Web3 Social" offers opportunities for people to start exploring other alternative crypto investments, such as NFTs, staking, Play-To-Earn and more. For example, the Crypto Art Fair exhibition at the Crypto Beach, we've created a place for collisions among artists, curators, influencers, brokers, wallets, auctioneers and collector, to facilitate one-on-one conversation and opportunities in a metaverse world and to inspire creativity and foster collaboration.

The Event Locations
Digital 20/20 Web 3 Social event will be held at the Metaverse on Voxels, Connect.Club as well as on social channels Clubhouse and Youtube . You can access this event by mobile or tablet.
We are hosting our openning and Web3 Podcast at our ocean venue Digital One on Architect Island which is the Voxel world’s first island released on May 23, 2022 , fashion show on Voxels TSA NFT DAO Building , networking and presentation on Connect. CLub, exhibition & music festival on Voxels and Connect.club from June 30 to July 3.
This new event app from Connect.Club is a part of the future Metaverse, it allows people to find each other, create meaningful, human connections and collaboration. Through Connect. Club & Voxels platform, the Digital 20/20 event comes complete with venues for Exhibition, Pitch Broadcasting, Seminar, Happy Hour Social Networking, NFT Drop, Crypto Beach Party, Bermuda island, Charitable Impact and Sky Lot.
Digital 20/20 event will be giving away exclusive NFT Magic Boxes and free wearables to reward attendees, sponsored by TSA NFT Incubator & other creators ( will update name on event agenda). There are two types of NFT Magic Boxes up for grabs - namely, the "Digital 20/20 POAP (Proof of Attendance Protocol)" NFTs and "Back to DeFi Future".
How to claim NFT Magic Boxes? Please learn here.
We hope this will prove a great event for the community, whether you’re already familiar with the metaverse or just developing an interest in this fascinating space.
Agenda is coming soon, stay tuned...
Agenda is updating as event goes, stay tuned...
Again, Joining as Co-organizers, sponsors, and exhibitors, Click to fill out form:
Co-organizer I Sponsor or Exhibitor I Speaker I Pitch Your Project I Swap for exhibition package I Become Avatar Model
Read the Blog About Digital 20/20 Event from Voxels ! and Retweets from Connect.Club !

Join Us & Submit Form:
Co-organizer I Sponsor or Exhibitor I Speaker I Pitch Your Project I Swap Exhibition PackagesI Become Avatar Model
| Take a look at our venues on Voxels & Connect.Club: Download App

| Here are some of our social networking venues and customer support center:
| Claim Exclusive TSA Magic Box NFT Rewards During The Month Of 'Digital 20/20: Next Gen of Web3 Social Life'!
From 2022-06-03 to 2022-07-03, there will be talks and panel discussions, as well as exciting activities happening at Digital 20/20: Boom Into Web3 Social in TSA Meta-club. Digital 20/20 event will be giving away exclusive NFT Magic Boxes and $TSA coin to reward attendees, sponsored by TSA NFT Incubator. There are two types of NFT Magic Boxes up for grabs - namely, the "Digital 20/20 POAP (Proof of Attendance Protocol)" NFTs and "Back to DeFi Future".
How to claim NFT Magic Boxes and win $TSA coin during the month long event at Connect.Club?

Level 1:
Activity 1: Complete registration for the event and provide your email and wallet address in this form ( Form 1)to claim a Digital 20/20 Proof of Attendance Protocol (POAP) NFT
Activity Period: 2022-04-22 to 2022-07-03
Claim Date: 2022-05-27 on https://www.teaswap.art/iro
Limited quantities: Attendees at "Digital 20/20: Boom Into Web3 Social" can each claim a Digital 20/20 Proof of Attendance Protocol (POAP) NFT on a first-come, first-served basis. Available only in limited quantities, the POAP NFT is a special memento that serves as verifiable proof of attendance at the event.
Event attendees can complete registration to qualify for claiming a Digital 20/20 POAP NFT. Next, attendees will be invited to join Live Minting for Digital 20/20 POAP NFT on May 20, 2022 at 7PM PST.
If you would like to be informed of future promotions and perks, please fill out this form. (Form 1)
In addition, TSA NFT may announce new utilities for users who hold the Digital 20/20 POAP NFTs at a later stage, such as being whitelisted for future Initial NFT Offering launches. All of the Digital 20/20 POAP NFTs are hosted on Polygon Chain and are minted exclusively for this event. Learn more about POAP NFTs here.
Level 2:
Once you completed activity 1, you are eligible to participate in activity 2.
Activity 2: Snapshot any venues of the event 'Digital 20/20: Boom Into Web3 Social" to Win "Back to DeFi Future'' NFT and share a Prize Pool of 5000 $TSA
Activity Period: 2022-06-03 to 2022-07-03
Snapshot Period: 2022-06-03 to 2022-06-24
All participants can also stand a chance to receive "Back to DeFi Future'' NFT by snapshotting this digital event's venues and fill out this form (Form 2) from 2022-06-03 to 2022-06-24. Winners will be randomly selected.
The "Back to DeFi Future'' NFT comes in three types, with 3 different rarity levels: Super Rare (SR), Rare (R) and Normal (N).
• SR - Entering the Metaverse
• R - PenguinPunks
• N - TSA Metaplay
All of the "Back to DeFi Future” NFTs are hosted on Binance Smart Chain and are minted exclusively for this event so you can learn cross chain in DeFi.
Learn more details ! https://www.teaswap.live/post/how-to-claim-your-proof-of-attendance-protocol-poap-nft
Level 3
Activity 3: Snapshot any venues of the event 'Digital 20/20: Boom Into Web3 Social' and Tag Us On Twitter to Win a Specially Minted NFT
Activity Period: 2022-June-3 to 2022-07-03
All attendees who fulfill all the following conditions will stand a chance to be one of 20 winners to each win a specially minted NFT. A maximum of 5 winners will be selected per week.
1. Follow following hosts and sponsors on Twitter.
2. Post your snapshot on Twitter with the hashtags #Digital2020 and #BoomIntoWeb3Social, and tag @ArtTeaswap on Twitter.
3. Share why you want to win a specially minted NFT in your post. The most interesting pictures will be selected as the winning pictures, and we will mint the picture as an NFT specially for you!
4. Fill out this form (Form 3) with the link of your Twitter post, email, and MetaMask wallet address.
Stay tuned for more information on the TSA NFT Marketplace or follow us on Twitter to be updated on the latest news!
| Greeting messages from our leaders from previous Digital 20/20 event:
Follow us on Twitter, Discord and Telegram!
Be one the first to know about our exclusive NFT drops, special events, airdrops, promotions and the latest news. Join us!
What is TSA NFT?
TSANFT Incubator is a NFT educational platform powered by blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies, is one of the most powerful NFT investments and trading platforms on Polygon , Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum network, powered by governance token TSA Magic Box NFT, rewards token $TSA and DeFi solutions. We allow collectors to maximize value of their NFT collections by combining NFTs and DeFi into one and allowing NFT collectors to yield farm and stake.
It currently has 5 spaces: TSA Incubator, NFT Marketplace, TSA Collections, NFT Finance and TSA MetaPlay.
TSAMetaPlay, bridges the gap between investment opportunities in the #DeFi world and #Virtual world and brings people together to learn, meet, trade and earn NFTs in an immersive virtual world from anywhere. TSAMetaPlay GameFi Franchise will be launching on Blockchain and Metaverse including Voxels, Sandbox, Virbela, Dvision World, Connect.Club and more.
Contact: support@tsanft.io
Media: Yahoo Finance | Bloomberg Nov. | GlobeAndMail | Nasdaq | The Wall Street Journal |
Follow Us: https://linktr.ee/teaswap
Website: https://www.teaswap.art
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArtTeaswap
Telegram: https://t.me/icashrewards123
Medium: https://teaswap-art.medium.com/
Discord: https://discord.gg/49xUD5NCGD
Tiktok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeKnGjQk/
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/teaswap