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TSA Metaverse Studio Launching Initial Lot Offering


Updated: Aug 30, 2021

TSA Metaverse Club is building a digital piece of NFT real estate where players can learn, build, trade NFTs and social network. It is made up of virtual LAND, limited editions of Villa virtual property and more.

Each lot is unique (non-fungible) token lying on the public Binnace blockchain. A total of 200,000 lots will be available for sale within TSA Metaverse. Each user can choose a different theme to customize their lot through TSA Studio or by themselves. Pick your favourite theme on TSANFT. Each user who holds a minimum of 10,000 TSA is entitled to access one Metaverse VIP Room anytime.

The Initial Lot Offering will be available to the public on July 31, 2021 on TSA Virtual World.

Total Offering: 200,000 Lots

Each Lot: 0.15 BNB

Each Wallet can have one lot


1. Connect your wallet to TSANFT

2. Go to "My Profile"

3. Click "Collected" to receive a tradable TSA Metaverse

4. Stake NFT, Resell or Transfer


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What is TSA NFT? TSANFT is a new cross-chain marketplace of digital NFT Art built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Ethereum networks, powered by the native governance token TSA and DeFi solutions. TSA NFT brings together creators, collectors, curators, influencers, brokers, wallets, auctioneers around the world to the NFT digital space. TSA NFT currently has 3 spaces: NFT Marketplace , NFT Incubator and NFT Finance.



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