How to access your TSAMetaPlay?
For Example :
My Token ID : 37
A TSANFT is required to access some events, services and entertainment in TSA MetaPlay.
Get your TSANFT today.
Do you own TSAMetaPlay NFT? Check your Token ID.
If your NFT can be staked in TSA Metaverse Avatar, LOT, Norse Mythology, TSA Metaverse II, you can access to TSAMetaPlay VIP Room.
If your NFT can be staked in TSA Metaverse, you can access to TSAMetaPlay Tea Bar
4: Contact : support@tsanft.io to access your TSAMetaPlay.

What's TSAMetaPlay?
TSAMetaPlay, bridges the gap between investment opportunities in the #DeFi world and #Virtual world and brings people together to learn, meet, trade and earn NFTs in an immersive virtual world from anywhere. TSAMetaPlay GameFi Franchise will be launching on Blockchain and Metaverse including Sandbox , Virbela and more.
Join TSAMetaPlay Presentation on Nov.9:
Sign up with Eventbrite: https://nftstaking.eventbrite.ca